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Hourly Rate

My hourly rate is $125 for task required and includes:

  • Phone Calls

  • Emails

  • Records and Testing Review

  • Research

  • Reviewing & Writing Letters

  • Attending Meetings






I require an $1000 retainer along with signed contract before beginning work on a case. 











Items Required



Report Cards

Standardized Test

Discipline Reports

Other Relative Records

*All items above are un-returnable copies.






Short Term Option

For as needed work that may require less than the retainer amount; please contact me and we can discuss a prepay amount for your particular needs. 








You must keep these things in perspective. The special education maze is difficult, and you must not consider yourself a failure if you need help. At the same time, you can also learn to advocate yourself, please use the resources provided through various disability organizations.


My advocacy and consulting services are 1/6th the cost of hiring a special education attorney. I certainly can't guarantee the same results, but it certainly could be well worth the money to try me first.


I do not, however, do consultations without payment in advance. Please note that we do not accept checks – cash and card only.


Please do not schedule school meetings without first checking to see if it is convenient for your advocate to attend. I certainly understand that parents are usually desperate for information and help if they are at the point of paying someone else for advice and advocacy services. However, parents need to realize it may be well worth the wait to postpone immediate meetings with schools in order to try to get everything in order and a plan in place before meeting with a school. You want to be prepared, and your Advocate, whoever you use will need time to assist you.


E-mail or call me if I can be of assistance to you.

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